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3 Replies to “NWO”

  1. What is the NWO?

    New World Order (The SUCK)

    “This satanic plot (New World Order/One World Government) was launched back in the 1760s when it first came into existence under the name ‘Illuminati’ (‘Enlightened’). This Illuminati was organized by one Adam Weishaupt, born a Jew, who converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest. At the behest of the then newly organized House of Rothschild, Weishaupt defected (Catholicism) and organized the Illuminati.

    Naturally, the Rothschilds financed that operation and every war since then, beginning with the French Revolution. The headquarters of the great conspiracy in the late 1700’s was in Frankfurt, Germany where the House of Rothschild had been established by Mayar (or Mayer) Amschel who adopted the Rothschild name and linked together other international financiers who had literally sold their souls to the devil.

    After the Bavarian government’s exposure in 1786 (of the Illuminati’s intent to start the French Revolution), the conspirators moved their headquarters to Switzerland, then to London.”

    As is the case with unscrupulous bankers and industrialists whose only motive is Greed, Rothschilds have reportedly sometimes financed both sides of a war. Such as in the case of WW II and Hitler’s Third Reich, for example, one of their former clients. Nor were they alone among the Jewish bankers in doing so, according to Fagan.

    It was certainly a winning strategy for war profiteers with no morals. They win no matter who loses the war. But only in a material sense. Just as the “death merchants” and their financiers of the wars of the 1990s did. Meanwhile, back to Fagan…

    “Since World War II (after Jacob Schiff, the Rothschild’s (errand) boy in America, who organized and funded the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia), the headquarters of the American branch has been in the Harold Pratt Building in New York City, and the Rockefellers, originally proteges of Schiff, have taken over the manipulation of finances in America for the Illuminati…

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