St. Matthew the Apostle is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ and is remembered for his role as a disciple and writer of the Gospel of Matthew. He is venerated as the patron saint of tax collectors and bankers, and is also recognized as the patron saint of accountants and financial advisors.
Stigmata (1999) is a favorite movie of Tattoo artists. We get a lot of religious tattoo requests.
Saint Stephen Albert Camele is our East Van Financial adviser. He says put your money into Van City Credit Union instead of Bank of Montreal or Toronto Dominion. Keep your money in the City if u want us not to totally collapse under Toronto or Montreal’s debts.
THIS is not my fault. IT is Monsier Jewkick’s fault.
With his Hitler history and Far Right Croatian Fascism. We can not blame Israel for our country’s financial situation. It was those damn Conservatives who gave us this giant trillion dollar debt. I don’t want to hear any Fascistic Jubilee universal debt forgiveness in parliament mon ami Pierre.
IF there is one “boy” from east van i want to box it is Monsier Jukic. I will knock you OUT. U take 11 poison pillls a day and are a heavy smoker.
I can take him in the Ring Sophie!!! Come back to me!!!
as sure as there is a CAN in CANADA i CAN beat him!!!!
I can’t quit U Justin.
This maniac belongs in an asylum.
MY POPPY did not kill Kennedy.
I did not kill Kanye’s mom.
I didn’t kill Paul Walker either
or Chris Kyle
or Pat Tillman
yes Walker is my middle name
but i did not kill Paul Walker
i only killed 1 million iraqis
only that i’ll admit 2
It is called “George Magazine” for a reason Dubya.
Vincent Fusca
Conqueror of the Darkness