7 Replies to “Roman Marching Song”

  1. yes, i told the cafe serra crowd to cheer for Italia at the euro cup they won…the crowd is like an extra man on the field.

    Portugal + Croatia + Italy = EU are the main players in the EU…if we all cheered for each other we would have an advantage.

  2. Legio Aeterna Victrix lyrics


    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix! (THE MEN SING THE REST OF THE CHANT)
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!

    Verti est sua aeterni
    Corda nostra solum tibi
    Verti est sua aeterni
    Vita nostra solum tibi

    Roma, Roma, O Roma!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!

    A ferventi aestuosa Libya
    Volat aquila legionum
    Supra terra Britannorum
    Volat aquila legionum

    Roma, Roma, O Roma!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!

    Sit italica sua vis
    Nostrum munus patri Marti
    Sit italica sua vis
    Nostrum munus patri Marti

    Roma, Roma, O Roma!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!

    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
    Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!

  3. No disrespect at the Italia win Rocco.


    Had my sun glasses on and no contact lenses. Luis asked me if i knew you and i clued in later.

    I wanted to model the shirt for you. So i had the Corey Hart sunglasses instead of nerd glasses.

    but even bad eyes are a not a permanent condition if you excercise them, eat your carrots, lutein, bilberry and do your honey eye drops.

    i am going to prove my theory soon.

  4. I will use the FORZA

    to make Joe and his Jews give all the money back.

    it take irish power of bono

    and irish spring soap

    lucky charms

    four leaf clover

    and grand jubilee anniversary of 2025

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