Circus Maximus

Gladiator 2: CENTURION

What is the message of the shortest straw?

Continuing the strong political theme of …And Justice For All, “The Shortest Straw” is a scathing critique of the blacklisting of people with controversial political opinions. James Hetfield angrily tells the story of a man discriminated against in what’s supposed to be a “free” society.

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2 Replies to “Circus Maximus”

  1. In the Roman army, the phrase ‘to draw the shortest straw’ got a much more serene meaning. The Roman legionaries often faced death. The death sentence was not terrifying to them. It was the way how the execution was carried out that made the decimation a cruel punishment. Every tenth legionary was clubbed down by his remaining nine comrades.

  2. That’s how movie should start…Robert Bikic as Maximus’ brother


    DECIMATION scene

    What is decimation?

    decimation – destroying or killing a large part of the population (literally every tenth person as chosen by lot) destruction, devastation – t

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